RoboRoarZ Competition 2023
Date: 25-26 May 2023
Time: 8AM - 6PM
Venue: SUTD
Registration Link:
RoboRoarZ Robotics Competition is co-organized by the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) Design, National Robotics Programme, Singapore Industrial Automation Association, Wefaa Robotics, IEEE Singapore Section, #IEEEWomeninEngineeringSingapore and #Rosenbridge. This event will be held on the 25 -26 March 2023 at the Singapore University of Technology and Design. There are no prerequisites for participating in this competition and all necessary training will be provided during the event. RoboRoarZ is a design-centered reconfigurable robotics competition that fosters creativity, innovation, and collaboration among the participants. All the participants will compete in solving intriguing challenges using the SUTD-designed reconfigurable robotic platform "Smorphi". The competition is open to the participants from Secondary Schools, Junior Colleges, Institutes of Technical Education, Polytechnics, and Universities. Each team must have between 5 and 8 participants. RoboRoarZ is not a competition of one institution or country against another, but a platform that advances collaboration among students, institutions and countries through mixed team approach. This event will be held in 3 stages namely National, International, and Cyber-Physical. Our goal is to establish a vibrant international community anchored in Singapore that unleashes the power of reconfigurable robots in solving real-world challenges.
Please visit for more details on registration !