Leveraging on Open Innovation Challenge
Date: 10 May 2023
Time: 3-430pm
Venue: Trade Association Hub, 9 Jurong Town Hall Road
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/Xa4hdxuocYsvzQvB7

Everyone talks about collaboration; however, there are many different ways to collaborate – for business, technology and expertise. There are also a variety of innovation challenges being conducted, both from private and public sectors. Essentially, LEVERAGE is the key word here. SIAA together with IPI is organizing a session for members to get a better understanding on the open innovation calls requirements and flow, possible considerations to take in and how companies with this information in mind, can leverage on such calls to build up their capabilities aligned to their business roadmaps, goals and risk appetite.
We are very honoured to have Michael Goh, COO of IPI to conduct this session. Michael has extensive knowledge and experience to share and I am sure from here, we can identify areas IPI and SIAA can work alongside with our member in their innovation journey so that we can build up the capabilities of Singapore SMEs.
Companies with innovation as one of their key business priorities will benefit the most from this session.